Friday 26 March 2010

Music video Evaultion

After doing the lip-sync we made a proper music video with the song that we made using garage band, after the song was finished we worked on the idea for the music video. My responsiblites in my group were writing the orginal song, looking the equipment on the set and filming some of the shots in the final music video.

I think I made a good contribution to the group and helped out as much as possible I think my contributions were effective for example I filmed the 360 shot of Rob and Fraser as if one of the gang members were cirling them this helped make the music video good.

During this project I have improved my camerawork, creative skills and I have learnt how use to Garage Band effectively, I struggled with editing and linking audio and visuals effectively.

The Production value of this music video were good as the camerawork, sound and editing were good despite problems with compressing the video on the Mac's.

The cinematograhy was good with a interesting mix of point of view shots, 360 camera shots and close ups, the editing needed work as you could tell the fight scene was fake but the pace of the edit and the music suited each other perfectly, The location we used were good but the band did need a little more style. The music video was a mix of narrative and performance with the narrative driving the story but there was no intertextuality.

This music video is very different to my original synposis and treatment as this was shot with real people and not puppets as I planned to. I think I still got the mood I wanted for this music video.

I think the audience responded well to the music video. As they thought the music video was funny and cheeky. They didn't think the music video was realisic as you could tell that the violence was faked.

I think some of the shots in the music video when right for example the 360 shot of camera walking around Fraser and Rob and the locations were good especially the muggers hideout. Things that could be inmproved is the violence coulld be made to look more real.

I think the music video is very interesting and only compared with the Beastie boys as they are the only artist who do this genre of music.

If I was to do this project agian I would use the Macs as there are too many problems with them , I would also film more footage for a wide range of shots to choice from during editing. I would also make the fight look more realistic by speeding up the frames in that shot or try filming different angles except from that i would changhe anything.

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