Friday 26 March 2010

Music video Evaultion

After doing the lip-sync we made a proper music video with the song that we made using garage band, after the song was finished we worked on the idea for the music video. My responsiblites in my group were writing the orginal song, looking the equipment on the set and filming some of the shots in the final music video.

I think I made a good contribution to the group and helped out as much as possible I think my contributions were effective for example I filmed the 360 shot of Rob and Fraser as if one of the gang members were cirling them this helped make the music video good.

During this project I have improved my camerawork, creative skills and I have learnt how use to Garage Band effectively, I struggled with editing and linking audio and visuals effectively.

The Production value of this music video were good as the camerawork, sound and editing were good despite problems with compressing the video on the Mac's.

The cinematograhy was good with a interesting mix of point of view shots, 360 camera shots and close ups, the editing needed work as you could tell the fight scene was fake but the pace of the edit and the music suited each other perfectly, The location we used were good but the band did need a little more style. The music video was a mix of narrative and performance with the narrative driving the story but there was no intertextuality.

This music video is very different to my original synposis and treatment as this was shot with real people and not puppets as I planned to. I think I still got the mood I wanted for this music video.

I think the audience responded well to the music video. As they thought the music video was funny and cheeky. They didn't think the music video was realisic as you could tell that the violence was faked.

I think some of the shots in the music video when right for example the 360 shot of camera walking around Fraser and Rob and the locations were good especially the muggers hideout. Things that could be inmproved is the violence coulld be made to look more real.

I think the music video is very interesting and only compared with the Beastie boys as they are the only artist who do this genre of music.

If I was to do this project agian I would use the Macs as there are too many problems with them , I would also film more footage for a wide range of shots to choice from during editing. I would also make the fight look more realistic by speeding up the frames in that shot or try filming different angles except from that i would changhe anything.

Preproduction paperwork


SHEETNAME: Gareth Gorvin YEAR (GROUP): ND1 DATE: 23/3/10



SCENE NO(S) 1 - 9
DIRECTOR: Frazer Jolly, Gareth Gorvin, Luke Hindle and Rob Graham


PRODUCER: Frazer Jolly, Gareth Gorvin, Luke Hindle and Rob Graham

LOCATION(S): St Helens Street, St Edmunds Building allay way, Skate Park and Docks



1 1 Tracking shot of Gareth walking around the corner towards a shop to buy some popcorn, Mugger(Rob) follows me off camera.

1 2 Wide shot of Gareth walking into shop pursued by mugger(rob), Mugger hides round corner waiting to strike.

2 1` Wide shot of Gareth coming out of shop and walking away, Mugger(rob) jumps out and comes from behind Gareth.

2 2 Mid shot of Rob confronting Gareth and pulling a knife out.

2 3 Over shoulder of Gareth over Rob’s shoulder capturing the fear in Gareth’s eyes.

2 4 2 shot of Rob ‘shanking’ Gareth and snatching the popcorn from his grasp. Rob then runs away with the popcorn.
3 1 Wide shot of Gareth running over to tell his friends (Luke and Frazer) what has happened.

3 2 Close up of Gareth with his head in his hands.

3 3 Mid shot of Gareth removing head from hands and rapping.

3 4 Mid shot of Gareth dancing from slightly further away.

3 5 Mid 2 shot of Frazer and Luke listening to Gareth’s verse and nodding.

3 6 Wide shot of Frazer giving reassurance. All of them then leave shot.

3 7 Wide shot of them running around the corner to find the mugger(Rob)

4 1 Dutch tilt POV shot capturing rob running around the corner with Gareth’s popcorn.

4 2 Wide shot of Rob running around the corner with popcorn

4 3 Low shot of robs legs running into shot as he then sits against the wall.
4 4 Close up of Rob’s face as he lip syncs a section of the verse
4 5 Mid shot of rob standing and rapping the verse with graffiti in the background.
5 1 Mid/Wide shot of Rob lip syncing the chorus.
5 2 Wide shot from the left of Rob as he walks around the corner, and Gareth, Frazer and Luke poke their heads around the corner in the background.

5 3 Wide shot of Frazer, Gareth and Luke looking around the corner whilst lip syncing the chorus.
6 1 Close up of Frazer’s eyes as he looks around the corner.

6 2 Frazer’s POV shot capturing Rob standing in the warehouse with popcorn.

6 3 Wide shot capturing Gareth, Frazer and Luke lurking behind the wall spying on rob. Rob is in the background.
6 4 Over shoulder shot showing Gareth, Frazer and Luke hiding behind a three of fridges.

6 5 Rob’s POV, he turns to look at the three fridges then looks away again.

6 6 Over shoulder shot of Gareth, Frazer and Luke coming out from behind the fridges and strutting over to confront Rob.

6 7 Hand held shot of Frazer rapping in Rob’s face. This is filmed from Luke’s POV as Luke and Gareth circle Rob and Frazer.

6 8 Over shoulder shot of Rob running away. Frazer jumps down from the stall and follows.

7 1 Panning shot from the outside of the warehouse as Rob runs past Followed by Frazer and Luke.

8 1 Wide shot shows Rob running around the corner.

8 2 mid shot shows Rob as he runs into a hand rail. Frazer and Luke then come round the corner.

8 3 Hand held shot of Luke and Frazer pushing Rob against the wall. Frazer then punches Rob in the face and knees him in the head. Rob falls down.

8 4 Wide shot of Rob on the floor as Frazer and Luke kick and punch him. Gareth then comes around the corner and joins in.

8 5 Close up of Rob laying on the floor as Luke takes the popcorn
8 6 Low angle shot shows rob laying on the floor and Gareth, Frazer and Luke walk away. Rob then starts to get up.

8 7 Wide shot shows Rob running away and around the corner

8 8 Wide shot of Gareth, Frazer and Luke running around the corner from which they came, with the popcorn.
9 1 Wide shot shows the three of them gather around and sit on a railing.

9 2 Wide/mid shot Luke give the popcorn back to Gareth.

9 3 Close up of Gareth with the popcorn.

9 4 Close up of Gareth opening the popcorn.

Ill rap init music video proposal


For this music video I would use hand puppets (simply designed in an amateur fashion) instead of real people as this an unconventional and interesting idea, therefore the song would be better remembered and hopefully more the promotion of it would be more successful. The music video would be mainly narrative, following the storyline of the song – starting with the show beginning and then the scene, using the introductory music, where a victim puppet is heading towards the shops and is ambushed by a mugger puppet with a drawing pin attached to his hand, like a knife. After that the scene changes to an image of the victim puppet talking to his puppet friends, telling them what has just happened to him. At this point the ‘victim’ is singing the first verse of the song. After that the puppets move off screen and the scene quickly changes to the ‘mugger’s hideout. He is now singing the second verse of the song. After he sings his verse, the other three puppets are seen hiding behind comically placed scenery, appearing to sing the chorus, still in the hideout. After the end of the chorus, the two ‘friends’ ambush the ‘mugger’, pushing him around and attacking, continuing this throughout the third verse. During the chorus, the ‘victim’ returns with a big stick and beats up the ‘mugger’ and to add a comedy element we see the mugger puppets head ping off, and bits of cloth etc. representing the mugger puppet falling through the air. It will end with the three friends walking off scene looking celebratory.


The treatment for this music video it will be shot for the view point of child in the audience watching a puppet show like Punch and Judy. It will be lit like it’s a bright summer’s day as puppet shows are normally on during the summer. The camera will sometimes move like the child is trying to get comfortable. There will be a humorous mood to it as the puppet will behave like a normal puppet show in contrast to the darker storyline of the music video, and could draw comparisons to elements of Punch and Judy, with Punch hitting his child and the crocodile trying to attack Punch. It will all very tongue in cheek which adds to the mood of the music video.

Report on Video Production of Interactive Media

Interactive media is a media text that user can interactive with by commenting on and rating media content.

Platforms For Video in Interactive Media

One of the most popular interactive media platforms is the World Wide Web as there are many good websites that stream video content online like Youtube that have user generated video content from music videos to game walkthroughs, there also TV catch up like BBC I player, ITV player and 4OD these let watch TV at suits them and not let them miss there favourites shows.

Another way of getting video content is e-mail attachments these let you receive files from your friends and advertisers by sending you an e-mail but there is a little paper clip sign showing that and attachment these attachments are often video but sometimes these can contain viruses trying steal information from your computer and will spam trying sell you there products.

A popular interactive media platform is DVD which contains the film, special features like deleted scenes, commentaries of the film, games and Easter egg (hidden extra). But DVDs are being replaced by Blu-Ray which has high quality picture and sound, ten times the storage of a DVD and use a Playstation 3 to play them.

A less popular platform is the CD-Rom which is used to store files on portably from back systems of PCs, educational software and promotional content.

A newer interactive media platform is a kiosk they can be found in heavy traffic area like hotel lobbies, airports and town centre these kiosk can be used to access the internet, take photos, rent movies and record video.

Presentation can used to present idea to a classroom or clients to show it will work etc. There’s normal a target audience for this and sometimes videos can be embedded onto a present.

On Digital TV remotes there is a red button that could be pressed which will allow the consumers to access extra content like on sports shows footballs matches on; shows like the X-Factor you can vote for your favourite act and some channels play games.

Nowadays people have a mobile device on them like a P.D.A., mobile phone or game console that can access the internet and download video. Like with everything there are pros and cons one of the advantages is that it always on you so access to information at all times a disadvantage is if you lost it could be disastrous.

Uses Of Video in Interactive Media

One way of using Interactive Media is to make a short film. This is also a good way to get an unknown director’s work a venue to screen his work on the internet; this could lead to the director being discovered by someone like Steven Spielberg who will help that director become famous.

Promotional material could put on internet to advertise products, events it also could be used in kiosks companies could advertise on there intranet and could advertise college course to students.

Trailers of films could be put on Youtube and official film websites to advertise films.

User generated content is produced by users of that website. The pro of this is that people who would normally not be famous become known word wide for example two comedians named Ryan Higa and Sean Fujiyoshi have become Youtube and there channel is the most subscribed on Youtube.

Another good example of uses of interactive media is viral marketing. Viral marketing is adverts send round by e-mail these videos are normally funny, interesting and often have nothing to do with the product there advertising.

Viral Marketing is not the only type of advertising on websites often has advertising banners on them and pop-up these are often annoying.

Virtual reality tours are good of way looking at place before you go there. They could be used by Estate agents and Travel agents also it is good for places like Alton Towers.

Games console used interactive media allowing players to playing online with multiple people on games like Halo and Call Of Duty.

E-learning is learning on a computer on the internet. The Pros of e-learning is you can go any way and do at your own time and cons are you need a lot of self discipline to do and student could cheat.

Interactive Media Technologies

Video compression is when you make a video file smaller making it easier to put on the internet but can result in lower quality.

Codec is a programme that is used to ‘encode’ and ‘decode’ a signal and digital data stream.

Streaming is when you go on a website like Youtube and watch a video instead of downloading (having the file on computer and watch when ever you want) it onto your computer you download bit by bit.

There multiple interactive video formats the main ones MPEG, AVI, MOV and WMV. An MPEG is a coding program, AVI is multimedia streams audio and video, MOV is a multitrack streaming programme associated with Apple while WMV is compression programme more associated windows.

Bandwidth is amount data hat can be transferred through a server or connection at one time it measured in megabytes (mb) per second bigger the mb the more information can pass through.

Frame rates are how many frames per second so basically it how frame appear on screen per second.

Screen resolution is how many pixels on screen, the more pixels the better picture quality.

File sizes is how bigger or smaller a file is the larger a file the more space it takes up.

Picture ratios is the image ratio of width and height, you often have the aspect ratio on viewfinder when a film is being shot.

Digital right management is the copyright of digital and online content.

There are many types of media player the common type of media players are DVD, I player, QuickTime which an apple designed internet player, Windows media player a Microsoft designed internet player and Real is a cross format internet player.

Embedding video is when you can put a video on your blog by copying the HTML and paste onto your website.

Video tagging is when you comment on the video, you can do while you watch the video and the point your talking about.